Monday, January 24, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mucho tequenio!!

I've been up since 5AM making tequenios. I'm on break now and I'm sleepy..And I emailed the faceup artist I sent Russell to and he/she said they would start working on his face this weekend, yay!!

Ah, I really like this song by Of Montreal..It's almost as if he's in love with "Hector Ormano" or maybe it's admiration, who knows.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ahh, made more tequenios today but for only 2 hours. And gotta keep making those to get the money for Rhea's head...I found one that I like and it's not that cheap so I gotta work, work, work and get it before someone else snatches it from the marketplace!